Kids Corner
Welcome to the Kids Corner. This is a cosy corner for your little ones to access mini yoga sequences and bite size fitness bursts. The yoga mirrors traditional sequences and stand alone poses in an easy to follow way.
Children soak up the instruction and perform beautiful poses so much easier than adults. The poses improve each time they are repeated, hopefully encouraging attention to detail. They will learn to understand how to use both sides of the body and both sides of the brain, merging thought and movement equally. They will soon follow patterns and movements to recreate them themselves.
Stretch And Wake Up!
Playing with traditional Yogic poses and having fun on the mat. Let’s start with a nice big stretch. Follow the video and hang like a Gorilla! Enjoy!
Standing Strong and Balance Well
The poses are often challenging enough to focus the mind while negotiating the body and pushing beyond perceived limitations, encouraging perseverance when the pose becomes difficult. Mindfulness becomes prevalent with the flow of the sequence and working within each individual pose.
Staying grounded is the main aim of this mini practice. The children will become more aware of their feet on the ground as the practice becomes more challenging. Feeling rooted to the ground, like a tree. Focussing is important but so is having fun, so let’s see how strong we can be in Tree Pose, especially if the wind picks up!
The Tree pose is easier with socks off!
Let's Balance...
Let’s try something new, and find some focus.
Here’s a little balance to practice as often as possible. It’s called the Crow. It’s just a bit of fun but totally achievable. Make sure there’s a cushion in front of your yogi’s – for safety and peace of mind!
So, focus, balance and keep practicing!
Relax and Breathe
And to relax… long stretches and relaxation, the perfect combination for the body and mind. We always finish the practice in savasanah, lying flat on the floor! Ahh…lovely!
This relaxation flow, a long stretch and a few minutes relaxation with a cosy blanket and comfy pillow will quiet the body and still the mind.
We finish with an energising dragon breath to glue it all together, body and mind, moving as one, in this space, at this time. Completing the yoga circle.